Leicester Model Railway Group History
The following records have been summarised from Club records kept since the clubs' inception, by Brian Gillespie, the current club secretary.
The first meeting was held at The Martyrs Church Hall on Westcotes Drive on 15 February 1949 with 18 people attending, with membership starting from 15 May 1949.
A committee was elected, and it held its first meeting on 30 April. The group had a display at the Leicester Society of Model Engineers show 29 August – 3 September 1949. This was a stand 20' X 3' with an '0' gauge (stud contact) automatic shuttle service with no need for an operator (what's new?) with '00' in front. There was also a static stand 16' long. Monthly meetings were held at The Martyrs hall. There were also visits to members' layouts and British Railway depots at Leicester G.C. And Toton. The committee decided in August 1949 to start looking for a club room.
The first Annual General Meeting was held on 16 January 1950 with 25 out of 66 members attending. The annual subscription was 10/- adult, 5/- junior (50p & 25p). At this meeting, comments were made as to the lack of a club room. It was recorded in April that a test track was under construction in the loft behind Mr. R. Pepper's shop (Apex Craft) in Church Gate.
At the January A.G.M. It was decided to hold our own exhibition instead of displaying at the LSME show. This was to be held at The Boot & Shoe Trades Hall in St. James St. off Humberstone Gate. The dates were changed from 16-23 September to August 27 – 1 September. This was the last week of the school summer holiday. The rent for the hall was £25. In June there were suggestions to leave Church Gate. In April, The Times reported on the groups display of Midland & Great Northern locos and rolling stock at the Model Railway Club's exhibition at Westminster Central Hall, London.
The '0' gauge layout is to be based on Great Yarmouth Beach on the Midland and Great Northern Railway.
The first ever track night was held on 17th April 1952 was held at the Church Gate club room.
In June, the first committee meeting was held at the new club room at Knighton Fields Road. The club’s equipment had been in storage since the exhibition.
The A.G.M. was held in the new club room. The monthly meetings were still held at The Church of the Martyrs, Westcotes Drive. During the next 6 months, working parties were held to make the room suitable for use by the group. In June erection was started of an '00' layout.
The 14 January 1954 A.G.M. reported that renovations to the club room were complete and that the 1954 exhibition would fund it. In February the group exhibited at An East Midlands Gas Board Show. There was also a stand at Central Hall at Easter
The attendance for the 1954 show is as follows. We were the only group/club to stage a week-long show.
The admission charges were Adults 1/- and Children 6d (5p & 2.5p).
Children Adults
Monday 400 374 Opening hours : - 2.30 -9.00p.m.
Tuesday 1012 701
Wednesday 882 649
Thursday 520 445
Friday 474 433
Saturday 772 897 10a.m – 9p.m.
Total 4060 3499.
Clubs which also exhibited were Grantham, Nottingham, Northampton, and MRC London. Meccano Ltd. also sent a layout.
The exhibition spoilt by the fact that at about 6.00 pm on the Saturday a loco in '000' (modern 'N’) was stolen from a stand. This had been wired to the stand and the wire had been cut.
In October an additional room was made available at the club room with no increase in rent.
It was reported the A.G.M. That the clubroom rent was £39 and the Martyrs hall £3 per annum. Later in the year the meetings rent would rise to 10/- (£6 a year). For the 1955 exhibition, it was agreed to increase the exhibition admission to 1/6 and 9d. And Meccano would send a larger layout this year.
A working agreement with the Model Railway Club in London was approved. George Reffin's American layout would be exhibited at London and Manchester as well as Leicester.
There was no exhibition this year. A model of a single span of the Royal Albert Bridge, Saltash was built to link the two stations on the '00' layout.
A 7mm model of Dolgoch (Talyllyn Railway, 2' 3” gauge) built by George Cooke, who died during the year, and was a founder member and chairman became the Chairman's badge of office. The model to be mounted in a glass case with a suitable brass plaque.
The president at the A.G.M. asked members to try and provide new models for this year’s exhibition as we had not held one the previous year.
The group sent 36 models to the London show.
London, Manchester, Leeds, and Nottingham clubs exhibited at the exhibition. Apex Craft and Bettinsons were offered a traders’ showcase display at £5-5-0. Meccano also sent a layout.
Another exhibition year but with no Meccano layout. 'Teddy' Boston's Southwold and J.H. Burgess's 'TT3 layouts were exhibited instead. The 'TT3' layout had been taken to the May track night. The Attenborough Model Railway Loco Spotters Club wished to attend and sell items. The group enquired at the Town Clerks office about selling at exhibitions. The reply was that if sales were made after 8p.m. a licence would be required. There were also to be trade stands.
The membership was now 94.
The construction started of a club 'TT3' layout. The voltage at the club room was increased to 240 volts by the electricity board.
The Martyr's Church would be unable to offer us a room for monthly meetings from the end of 1959 as they required them for church purposes on a Monday and Tuesday. It was agreed to look for a new venue.
No exhibition this year but membership was now 104.
The new venue for monthly meetings was to be The Long Vestry at The Charles Street Baptist Church. The charge for the room was 15/- per evening. Meetings will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from January 1960. The last meeting at The Martyrs was in fact in November and the December film show was at Charles Street.
Another exhibition year. Meccano unable to attend. This year there were three club layouts '0', '00', and 'TT3' and 'Teddy' Boston's Southwold. Attenborough models and Apex Craft having trade stalls. This year it was decided to have an Exhibition Brochure for sale at 6d. The admission charge to remain at 1/6 adult and 9d under 14s. (7.5p and 4.5p).
The '0' and 'TT' layouts were exhibited at The Crusaders Jubilee Event' held at the Wyggeston Boys School. The layouts were in the Junior Biology Laboratory. The president was a Biology Master at the school.
A donation of £5-5-0 was sent to the Model Railway Club as a donation to the Keen House building fund (the clubs new H.Q.). Keen House is near Kings Cross Station London.
The membership now stands at 106.
The club '00' layout was featured in the January edition of Model Railway Constructer.
New stands were made for static displays. There were two sizes 7' and 3'6” long.
There was a two-week display in the window of the Co-op Building Society, Halford Street. The dates were 28th March - 11th April.
The March meeting was a talk by T.W. (Smokey) Bourne from Birmingham on 'Small scale freight rolling stock construction'. This was followed by the April meeting being given by E. C. Tranter on 'Painting and finishing models and scenery'. As a result of these two talks the junior members were asked to construct a train of wagons for display at the exhibition.
The layouts at the exhibition were the club's rebuilt '0', the '00' and 'TT' and 'Teddy' Boston's Southwold. The attendance was down this year due in part to the exhibition week was the only week of good weather during the school holidays.
The group was approached by The Superintendent of Castleberg Hospital, Settle, Yorks. He wished to construct a layout, as part of remedial treatment for his patients, based on our '00' layout. Over several months much information was provided. Construction is progressing well. A link has been established between the hospital and Leeds Model Railway Club.
A non-exhibition year.
Membership dropped during the year to 90. The loss was mainly due to the non-payment of subscriptions.
The group sent models for display at The London, Birmingham, Bedford, and Leeds exhibitions. We also exhibited at the 8th Model Railway Show in September organised by The Gauge '0' Guild in London. We also sent models to the A.E.C. Sports Day in Southall Middlesex on 7th July. 'Tug' Wilson arranged the transportation of the models.
Construction started on a 4mm narrow gauge layout. The layout was end-to-end.
During the year library fines of 2p a week were introduced for books or magazines overdue after the 2-week loan period.
An exhibition year, using two rooms at The Trades Hall. The traders were Apex Craft and Slater's Plasticard. The Narrow-gauge layout was in the small hall with the stations on either side of Slater's stand. Sometimes a different train arrived from the one dispatched. Mr. Slater who built models during the show, would change the rolling stock for some of his own. The admission charges were increased this year to 2/- adults and 1/- children (10p, 5p). There were 6850 paid admissions. The surplus was £350.
On 17th September the group held its first annual dinner. This was held at The Victory Hotel, Great Central Street, Leicester. The area is now The Southgates underpass. Tickets cost 15/-. The guest speaker was The Earl of Lanesborough.
The membership increased during the year to 98. Made up of 5 Hon. Life members, 76 full adult and 17 juniors.
There was to be no exhibition this year as the committee decided that the layouts needed a revamp and new models would be required. The A.G.M. also agreed that exhibitions would be held on alternate years with the next one in 1965.
A model competition was held on 12th September at the A.E.I. Canteen, Blackbird Road, Leicester with judging by members of the Birmingham club. The prize was £1 for each class.
The winners were;
1. Best model by a junior member;
Winner, P.E. Masters, 7mm, Sentinel locomotive.
Commended, A.R. Gillespie, 4mm, GWR Manor locomotive.
2. Open to all members;
2a. Locomotive;
Winner, R.H. Linnell 7mm, LNWR 2-4-2T locomotive.
Commended E. C. Tranter 4mm, BR, 2-10-0 locomotive.
2b. Rolling stock;
Winner, E. C. Tranter 4mm, BR. 2 car Diesel set.
Commended, R. G. Linnell 7mm, 3 LNER teak coaches.
2c. Scenic, building, or lineside accessory;
Winner, Mrs D. Bailey '000' station building.
Commended A.D. Masters 4mm. GWR station building.
2d. Modified kit or propriety model;
Winner, J. Marriott Triang clerestory coach repainted in Midland livery.
3. Best model exhibited by any member;
Winner, E.C. Tranter 4mm BR 2 car diesel set.
The '0' gauge layout made two visits during the year. On 13th June it went to the Trades Hall for the Gauge '0' Guild AGM and private exhibition and to Wigston for The Boy Scouts Gala show on 11th July.
In September the group held its second dinner at The Victory Hotel. Instead of a guest speaker, there was a film show.
In October the committee started to look for a new clubroom to replace Knighton Fields Road. It was felt that this room was limited in size and amenities, not centrally situated, and was unattractive to members and a deterrent to increasing membership.
Membership during the year increased to 106. The subscription was also increased this year to £1 and 10/- juniors. This was the first increase since 1949.
The 10th exhibition was held a week earlier this year 16th - 21st August. This was due to the change of the school holidays. As well as the groups '0' and 4mm narrow gauge layouts, three members exhibited layouts. Peter Bailey '000', T. Bird and P. Simmerson both with 'EM’ gauge layouts.
The group decided on 7th April that the best choice for a new club room was the basement at The West End Adult School Western Road, Leicester. After electrical modifications and redecoration, the equipment and layouts were moved in from September. Knighton Fields Road was vacated by 31st December 1965.
A non-exhibition year with 105 members. The group exhibited at the Leicester 'Leisure 1966' at the Granby Halls 20-23 April. The group also sent models to other clubs’ exhibitions, this year it was London, Gresley and Corby.
The model competition was held on 16th August which was attended by 40 members.
The winners were;
1. Best Model by junior member, A.D. Masters 7mm. 'Streetly Lime' van.
2a. Locomotive R.E. Tustin 7mm. GW 2-6-2T
Highly commended R.H. Linnell 7mm. GNR 4-2-2 loco & tender.
2b. Rolling stock A.D. Masters 7mm. Cambrian brake van.
Highly commended D. Lewin 3/8” scale I.O.M. Coach.
2c. Scenic, accessory Mrs. D. Bailey '000' Engine shed.
2d. Modified Kit R. Harris 4mm. Brush D.E. Locomotive.
2e. Best model in competition Mrs. D. Bailey '000' Engine shed.
3. Tranter Prize' for best model by junior member
1 P. Henrich N.G. Coaling plant
2 R.H. Ingall N.G. Double slip (Track work).
The prizes were presented by C.J. Freezer, editor of the Railway Modeller Magazine.
The annual dinner was also held this year.
The membership was nearly the same as last year 105 made up of 5 Honorary Life members, 69 ordinary members, 15 country members, and 14 juniors
The exhibition was held again this year at the Trades Hall 7th-13th August with 7229 admissions 4014 were adults. There was a record surplus of £379. George Reffin brought an '0' gauge hump shunting yard to the exhibition which was shown in the small hall.
Brian Monaghan, the Railway Modeller photographer, visited the club room on 15th April to photograph layouts. 45 prints were received by the secretary.
During the year work started on the construction of an 'N' gauge layout. Due to its unqualified success, it had been invited to appear at the Gresley and Manchester shows.
An unfortunate incident happened when two members were accidentally locked in the club room. As we held the maximum number of keys allowed by the landlord it was agreed to secrete a key in the clubroom to prevent a repeat occasion.
In February it was reported to the committee that the West End adult School was to be sold and therefore the groups lease would not be renewed.
The 'N' gauge layout was exhibited at the Leicester's 'Leisure 1968' show and at Corby 28th August – September 2nd. Models were also exhibited at The Co-op Permanent Building Society and the Leicester Permanent Building Society for short periods.
An Extraordinary General Meeting was held on 16th July to discuss the future of the club and whether a club room was needed. The Notice to Quit by the end of September was received in August. The layouts were dismantled and together with the library were stored at various members houses. The model of one span of Saltash Bridge was sold for £3/10/0. It was hoped to hold meetings weekly at Charles Street Baptist Church if the room was available.
In spite of this upheaval, the membership rose to 117.
A meeting was held at 72 Halford Street to examine the building and evaluate the work required before occupation.
In the meantime, the 'N' gauge layout went to the Gresley show and the 'OO’ to the 2nd Leicester Scouts Event. B. Gillespie exhibited his 'TT' layout on behalf of the group at the Jones & Shipman's Gala Day.
On April 2nd the group moved into the building at the rear of 72 Halford Street. This was to be the fourth club room in 20 years.
Six members had offered layouts for the exhibition in August. As this was thought to be the 21st anniversary of the Group, the first 21 admissions each day would be given a piece of birthday cake. The attendance was 4014 adults and 3215 children with a surplus of £400.
The dinner was to be held at the Midland Hotel £1 with Mr. B. Leslie Young (Manchester Exhibition organiser) as a guest.
With the increasing cost of the club room and a drop in membership to 99. It was decided to look for another venue. To help with increased costs the price of coffee was raised from 3d to 6d a cup and a voluntary donation of 6d a week.
A 1st floor room 38' by 27' was available at the Church of Christ on Melbourne Road, Leicester. This was acceptable and on 25th April the move took place.
The Market Harborough Congregational Church to hold an exhibition at their rooms on a 50/50 basis. This had the advantage of no room rental. It was held 6th-8th August showing a surplus of £35.
Two cups were donated to the group for the competition. The George Reffin Cup for best '0' gauge modified kit and The Chairman's Cup for the best junior model donated by J. Barlow. The classes seem to have been altered to reflect the entries.
The winners were: -
Model of the year J. Cole GWR siphon G van.
Scratch built kit J. Cole GWR siphon G van.
Modified kit Brian Van Meeterem.
Modified kit locomotive Brian Van Meeterem.
The cups were not awarded due to the very low number of entries.
The annual dinner was held at The Goscote Hotel, Birstall with R.H. Linnell as guest speaker.
This year the group had layouts in '0', '00', 'N' and 'EM’. Brian Gillespie again took his '00' layout to represent the LMRG at Gresley and St. Andrew's Methodist Church Festival.
The exhibition was held 9th - 14th August at the Trades Hall with a surplus of £360. The attendance was 2524 adults and 1648 children.
The annual dinner was held at The Saracen’s Head.
The 'N' gauge layout was exhibited at The Leicester Leisure 72 exhibition at the Granby Halls 20th-22nd April.
Work on the layouts at the clubroom was curtailed due to power cuts due to national industrial disputes. During the year work started on a '16mm' narrow gauge layout. Steve Forrester donated a '009' layout 5'9” X 3' to the club. It was decided to use this as a project for junior members. There was a lack of interest in the '0' gauge layout.
The 'N' gauge layout was taken to the Nottingham exhibition.
The dinner to be held at the Belmont Hotel with Mr. Charles Vier of the MRC as speaker.
The model competition attracted 52 entries but only 1 junior.
The winners were;
1a Paul Masters Highly commended Alan Summers
1b Brian Van Meeteren Highly commended Paul Masters
2a John Petcher Highly commended John Petcher
2b John Petcher Highly commended G.W.W. Fillingham
3a John Scholes Highly commended G. Reffin
3b G. Reffin
George Reffin Cup Paul Masters.
The Chairman's Cup was not awarded.
Membership is now 97 members.
The attendance at the exhibition which was again held at the Trades Hall 13th-18th August was 3852 made up of 2412 adults and 1440 children. This produced a surplus of £322. This was the first year that there were more visiting than club layouts. Members who exhibited were J.E.M. Brown & S. Carter, A. Summers & G. Reffin John Scholes, J.B. Marriot and Rugby Model Railway Circle. The club layouts were '00', 'EM', 'N' and '16mm N.G.' There was also a "modeller at work" stand. The trade stands were Apex Craft, Attenborough Models and Prototype Models. The admission charge this year was 15p and 10p. As there was no club '0' gauge layout the exhibition was changed which was greatly appreciated by the public.
The monthly meetings were very poorly supported, and it was decided to discontinue them at Charles Street. If we required a room for a meeting the church would let us use another room in the building. As there was a lack of interest in the '0' gauge layout and it was dismantled. The '16mm NG' layout was dismantled and removed from the clubroom in December.
A new name board was made for the club.
In December the '16mm' narrow gauge layout was dismantled and removed from the clubroom.
The Annual General meeting was moved to February. There are now 105 members. At this meeting it was agreed that the 12.5p entrance (joining) fee did not cover the costs. It was agreed to raise it to 50p to include the lapel badge. Junior members would be 25p but no badge. The 'country ' membership was increased to 75p.
The group sent layouts to exhibitions at Northampton in April, Enderby in July, and Kettering in September.
As there was still little interest in the '0' layout, most of it was sold to a member.
The exhibition was held at the Trades Hall 11th -16th August. There were 11 layouts and a surplus of £500.
The '009' layout was dismantled and any components which he required were returned to the donor.
With an increase in membership to 113 there was a renewed interest in the '0' gauge layout and a new one was planned, and construction started. A new 'N' gauge layout was planned along with a '00' one based on Leicester Great Central.
At the competition, J. Petcher won the 'Model of the Year' and also the Reffin Cup. The Chairman's Cup for juniors was jointly won by Chris Sykes and Miss H. Shuttlewood.
The dinner was held at the Belmont Hotel with P. Boylan (Director of Leicester Museums) as guest speaker on the new technology museum.
Construction continued on all the new layouts '0', '00' and 'N'.
The group sent layouts to Corby, Kettering, and Expo-Rail 76 at Solihull.
The dinner this year was held at La Teiera at Great Glen on October 15th.
The model competition produced 17 entries including 3 from juniors. These 3 were all highly commended.
To help raise library funds as well as fines on overdue books small raffles were held at the clubroom.
At the Annual General Meeting held in February, there was a long discussion about club finances and reliance on exhibitions to fund the club and the length of exhibitions. It was decided that there was as much work in a weeks show as for three days.
The subscription was increased to £3.50, country £1.50 and £1 junior. This was only the second increase in the club's 28-year history.
The joint Gauge '0' Guild LMRG meeting was held at the clubroom in May.
The exhibition this year was held 13th – 21st August at St John's Church, Clarendon Park Road as the Trades Hall was no longer available. 15 exhibitions had been held there. The admission was 25p and 10p with £650 surplus.
The 'EM' gauge layout was now of Uppingham and this went to a show at Lichfield.
As club layouts were not available S. Forrester and P.E. Masters took theirs to Corby.
It was decided that the 3rd Wednesday of the month would be a running night on all layouts.
As there were now so many kits being produced the competition classes are to be altered. Each class is to have its own trophy. The rolling stock class is to be called The Derby Trophy. A suitable trophy is to be obtained.
The dinner was held at Cossington Mill.
The 'EM' gauge layout (Uppingham) is to be sold after the 1979 exhibition, P. Simmerson to have first refusal.
In December plans were submitted for a new 'EM' layout.
The '0' gauge layout converted from coarse to fine scale standards. Some of the older members were not happy about the change.
The Uppingham layout was sold to P. Simmerson. The layout is believed still be in existence in Scotland (2012). The new one is to be based on Minehead, a Great Western terminus in Somerset, now the H.Q. of the West Somerset Railway. The 'N' gauge layout now known as 'Little Hobby’ is to be sold after plans have been approved for a replacement.
There was another change of venue for the exhibition this year. It was held at St. Andrew's Methodist Church, King Richards Rd. Leicester. Two floors were used for the show 13th - 18th August. The group was careful to avoid church services whilst setting up and dismantling. The admission this year was 30p and 15p. The attendance was the highest since 1969. The figure that year was 7229.
Concerns were expressed after the exhibition as to the future of the club room as it was believed that the church was up for sale. Enquires to be made about moving to St. Andrew's.
The model competition was deferred until 1980 due to the low number of entries.
Another change of club room. The Church of Christ building was sold in March so new premises had to be found. St. Andrews Methodist Church was approached and in May we moved there. The tenancy was confirmed in August. The subs were increased by 50p to £4 adult, £2 country, and £1.50 junior.
The '0' gauge layout is to be called Nedham. A new 16mm narrow gauge layout was started using reclaimed baseboards and track from the old 'Course Scale gauge 0' one.
This year marked the end of the week-long exhibition. It was held 10th -15th August and held at St. Andrew's.
At the Annual General Meeting, the subs were increased to £7.50 and the membership year was altered to be 1st April to 31st March.
There were no junior entries for the model competition.
The '00' layout Leicester Central is to be rebuilt after the exhibition.
The Annual General Meeting agreed that the Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer be elected every year. It also agreed to another subscription increase of 50p a year.
The Leicester Central layout was dismantled, and a new layout planned. A 'P4' layout is also to be built.
Another change of venue and date for the exhibition. 24th/25th September at the Kimberley Hall at Leicester Polytechnic (now De Montfort University). The show was named 'Scale Rail'. There were 10 layouts and 10 traders. The admission charge was 60p adult, 40p children and for the first time, a family ticket £1.50.
The membership had increased to 113 members. There were 8 club layouts: - '0' Nedham, '00' fine scale Oakenden Forge, '00' Ashby Magna, 16mm narrow gauge, '00' junior dismantled, 'P4' Tewkesbury, 'EM' Minehead and 'N' Buxwell.
The exhibition was held at The Queen's Hall at Leicester University, 22/23 September.
The exhibition was again held at The Queen's Hall, a week earlier this year 15/16 September. There were no club layouts at the show.
There were discussions about the size of the club room as it was believed that the church building might be sold.
The 'EM' layout Minehead was sold and the 16mm narrow gauge layout was dismantled. The '00' layout will be Aberconwy.
The exhibition moved to another venue as the increased cost of Queens Hall could not be justified. The Lancaster Boys School was used September 20/21. The shows are still called 'Scale Rail'. The only club layout was the '0' gauge layout Nedham. The admission charges this year were £1 adult 50p concessions and £2 family.
There was still no news on the sale of the building. There were discussions as whether we could use two small rooms instead of one large.
The exhibition was again held at Lancaster Boys School in September. A week earlier this year 12/13 September. The membership had now fallen to 65. Information was received that the room had been sold and we had six to twelve months in the present room. We were offered two different rooms in the part of the building known as 'The Manse'.
'Nedham' travelled this year to Southampton, Lutterworth, and Lincoln.
With the move to new rooms in November, there was a sorting out of the layouts. The 'P4' Tewkesbury and '00' Oakenden Forge to be stored and the '00' junior layout to be dismantled.
As a result of the move, the '0' gauge layout was to be modified and the Tewkesbury and Oakenden Forge layouts were sold.
The exhibition was again held at Lancaster Boys School in September. There were 8 layouts and 6 traders.
Membership up to 77. The show was again at Lancaster Boys School with 7 outside layouts and our own 'N' and '00'. This was the first showing of Aberconwy.
As this was the 40th anniversary of the group, a 'Fish & Chip' supper with a birthday cake, was held in December.
Scale Rail 90 held at Lancaster Boys School. 9 layouts. The admission was increased to £1.30 adult, 50p concessions and £2.50 family.
The library fine was increased to 25p per week. The loan period is 3 weeks.
Rebuilding Nedham was causing problems due to room size.
A 'Fish/Pie & Chip' supper was held in December.
There was no show this year as there were no school premises available. Layouts had been provisionally booked but, as by April we could not find a venue, it was decided to cancel. There were now 73 members.
Rebuilding continued on Nedham and Buxwell.
Another year with no exhibition but there was an 'Open Day' at the club room on 14th November. There were two visiting layouts 'Nether Stowey' and 'Kyle of Localsh' as well as Aberconwy and Buxwell. This event was well supported.
Aberconwy visited the Rolls Royce show.
The subs were increased to £10 adult and £5 junior.
The membership has fallen to 63and because of this and as there had been no exhibitions for two years the club was in a bad financial state. The subscription was raised to £20 and £10 concessions. Concessions are to include juniors, senior citizens, country members and those on low income (the last to be approved in confidence with the treasurer).
The exhibition was held at Rowley Fields College on 11/12 September and attracted over 800 visitors. The name was changed from 'Scale Rail' to Leicester Model Railway Exhibition'. There were 12 layouts and 9 traders.
The exhibition this year was held again at Rowley Fields School a week later this year, 17/18 September. The opening hours were Sat. 10.00-17.30 and Sun. 10.00-17.00. There were 15 layouts and 12 traders.
Buxwell was taken to Derby and the Canal St '00' layout was made redundant. New baseboards were being made for Nedham.
The membership has fallen to 48.
The exhibition this year was sponsored by Fox Transfers and was held 16/17 September. There were 15 layouts, and The Leicester Model Engineers had a live steam track outside the hall.
Membership had fallen to its lowest yet - 30 members.
Fox Transfers again sponsored the exhibition which was held 14/15 September. There were 8 traders and up to 15 layouts.
Plans were drawn up for new layouts in 'N' and a '00' 'Modern Image' layouts.
Membership increased to 47 members.
In the autumn it was reported that 'The Manse' was up for sale so enquires were started for a new club room.
The exhibition was held 20/21 September with 12 layouts and 5 traders again sponsored by Fox Transfers.
An open day was held at the club room on 1st November.
The constitution and rules were revised and accepted by members in 1998.
The 50th anniversary of the Leicester Model Railway Group was marked by a special exhibition in September and a 'Fish & Chip Supper' in December.
The exhibition was again sponsored by Fox Transfers and was held at Rowley Field School on 19/20 September. There were 10 layouts and 10 traders. The layouts represented modelling during the last 50 years.
The Chiltern Model Railway Association held a private exhibition at the club room on 27th June.
In November, the club was informed that the building had been sold, and we would have to vacate the building by the end of the year. Tony Shuttlewood offered the club the use of a barn on one of his properties in Cossington. This offer was accepted by the membership.
The club layouts '0' Nedham, '00' Aberconwy, 'N' Buxwell and equipment were moved to Cossington and the new club rooms were opened on 16th June 1999.
Whilst the new club room was being prepared for use meetings were held in Sileby Village Institute.
New layouts were proposed in '0' and '00'.
A one-day show called 'The Friendly Show’ was held at Sileby Institute on 17th June.
Records for 2000 to 2010 are very vague - please excuse any errors.
An exhibition was held in Sileby Village Institute over a weekend in June.
The 'N' gauge layout 'Buxwell' appeared in the January edition of Model Rail.
Another exhibition was held in Sileby Village Institute this year.
The club rules and constitution were altered to a shorter form, as the solicitors handling the lease of the Clubroom, had stated that the old ones were too complicated.
Another year with no exhibition, but the members were active in improving the club room.
The '0' and '00' gauge layouts to be rebuilt.
The Annual General Meeting agreed to change the name to Cossington Railway Society to reflect the address of the club room.
The membership was now 30 members.
Test tracks were erected in the annex to the club room for '0' and '00' members.
The subscription was raised to £35.
The Exhibition was held this year at a new venue, Humphrey Perkins High School, Barrow-upon-Soar. The show was under the 'Cossrail' name. This was the first showing of the new club '0' gauge layout. The dates were 9/10 May.
At the AGM it was agreed to move the date of the meeting to March and to keep subscription increases in line with inflation. This year to be £36.
At this year’s exhibition held 10/11 May again at Barrow-upon-Soar the new '00' layout 'Cossington Vale' was exhibited for the first time.
This year the group introduced a corporate image shirt for members.
The exhibition 9/10 May again at Barrow-upon, with 9 layouts and 7 traders.
'Cossington Vale' to be rebuilt.
The '0' gauge layout was extended and shown at 'CossRail' at Barrow-upon-Soar on May.
The Annual General Meeting agreed that the name was changed back to Leicester Model Railway Group (Cossington). The meeting felt that this name was been well known in the modelling world for 60 years. It is hoped that the return to the LMRG name would help to increase membership.
The '0' gauge layout was exhibited at The Abbey Pumping Station Museum, Leicester's 'Model Railway Group' event in April.
This was followed by the now annual exhibition at Barrow-upon-Soar.
In the winter, the floor was replaced in the test track area.
The group will display a stand at the Abbey Pumping Station's Hobbies & Pastimes Day.
Diamond Jubilee of the first track night was held 18th April with an open evening.
Exhibition at Barrow-upon 12/13 May.
The club now has three layouts to offer members. The '0' gauge Stacton Magna, the '00 Cossington Vale and 'N' has yet to be named. There is also a test track with '0' and '00' tracks it is hoped to add a 'N' track this year.
A successful exhibition with the '0' gauge layout, a display of photographs of past layouts. One of the original members, Mick Rich, attended the show.
An 'N' gauge line was laid on the test track between the '0' and '00'.
Stacton Magna turned around in the club room so that it can be extended around the end wall with an extension into the test track room.
The club exhibited at two events at the Abbey Pumping Station Museum in Leicester. Mike Cole took his layout to the Model Railway Day on 6th April which also celebrated the 50th anniversary of the opening of The Cadeby Light Railway, owned by late Rev. E.R. Boston, former member of the group. The second event was on 21st April and was a 'Hobbies & Pastimes show.
Another Barrow exhibition with the '00' layout on show.
The '0' gauge passes through the wall and links up with the test track. This is at a higher level than so there are storage sidings above the test track with gradients down to the test track. Closed circuit TV installed so that the operator at the main panel can see the storage sidings and the progress of trains en route.
The 65th anniversary of the group. It is hoped to have a display of past group events to celebrate this event. This year there will be no club layouts at the Cossrail show. Progress on the 'N' gauge layout has slowed due the death of one of the leading team members.
During the Spring Bank Holiday weekend 25/26 May the club room was opened to the public as part of the Cossington open gardens event. The group had a stand at the GCR Model Railway event in June. A leaflet was produced to help publicise the group, it has been distributed to local model shops and information offices.
The group arranged for members to purchase shirts embroidered with the group badge.
The '00' layout Cossington Vale is to be rewired for DCC. On the 'N' gauge layout the lower circuit was rewired for DCC.
Mark Robinson our librarian died in December. He was a mine of knowledge as he was the Station Master/Booking Clerk at Narborough Station and could give information on train times and fares from memory.
A successful exhibition was held at Barrow on Soar school.
Cossington Vale was exhibited at the Great Central Railway exhibition at Quorn Station in June. Members also represented the group at the Abbey Pumping Station, Leicester and Lutterworth.
The club room entrance area was re floored to give better access and a workshop area.
There was no exhibition this year due to an increase in rent from £550 to £3000. Alternative venues were being investigated. Alan Morton and Pete Nicholson stepped down as exhibition organisers after many years.
The clubroom was opened in May for the 'Cossington Open Gardens'.
Plans were presented for a new '00' layout, fiddle yard to station, 16ft by 2ft to be wired for DCC.
We gained the use of an extra room for storage.
Once again, the group had a stand at the GCR event in June.
Members carried out repairs to the end wall of the building.
Work started on constructing the new '00' DCC layout to be called 'Stonesby Magna'.
A new copy of the group constitution and rules was produced and distributed to members when the renewed their subscriptions in February 2018.
We also attended a 'Hobby Event at Melton Mowbray.
A 'N' gauge continuous circuit layout 'Maun Valley' was donated to the club.
The 'Cossington Open gardens was another successful event. Membership has increased in the last few years and now we have 36 and three new junior members. The first juniors for many years.
We again attended the GCR event at Quorn and one member exhibited his layout. We again attended the Melton Mowbray event.
Our 70th anniversary and we had a display of layouts at St. Margaret's Church in Leicester, which is about 300 yards from our first club room in Church Gate, in August. There were 8 layouts. Three from the club, two from the Market Harborough club, three from members and a large display of Lionel. We also had a display on the Saturday from the Leicester Railway Society as it was their 80th anniversary and the 'Bridge the Gap' group of the Great Central Railway at Loughborough. The new LMRG '0' gauge loco shed and turntable was on show. This will fit behind the station in the far corner of the clubroom.
Subscriptions are now £50.
All plans for this year have had to be put on hold due to Covid 19. Due to a national lockdown the clubroom closed on 17th March. After consultation with the local health authorities with regards to Covid-19 secure sanitising arrangements, the club reopened briefly in September but had to close again in October. The club members have carried on meetings by having 'Zoom' meetings.
Still in lockdown.
The Leicester Model Railway Group has appeared in the following publications;
Model Railway Constructor, January 1961.
Railway Modeller, August 2019.
Model Rail, June 2018.
Collectors Gazette, December 2019.
It also appeared in another model railway magazine in the 1990s.